Energy consumption during cooking in the residential sector of developed nations: A review

Author: Hager, Tiffany J.; Morawicki, Ruben

Description: Residential cooking is essential for the enhancement of safety and quality of a substantial number of food products, but the energy requirements for cooking can be prodigious and individual household energy use varies considerably. This review evaluates the current state of energy efficiency during household cooking in developed countries and identifies potential policy changes that may have an impact on reducing energy consumption. The primary factors affecting energy consumption include: (1) the production and transport efficiency of fuel sources (electricity, natural gas, wood, etc.); (2) the appliance (or end-use) efficiency; and (3) the behavior of the consumer during cooking. Regarding appliance efficiencies, some improvements are plausible and policies should be directed towards reducing or alleviating stand-by energy consumption in new products. However, the most promising energy conservation tactic is consumer behavior modifications since individual cooking practices can reduce expenditures by as much as 95%; thus, policies should be directed towards consumer education to have the most marked effect on household energy consumption. Although cooking is only one aspect of food production, it is a universal requisite for food safety in the residential sector and implementing policies that reduce energy consumption during cooking may have an impact on global energy demands.

Subject headings: Residential cooking; Cooking practices; Energy consumption; Food; Appliances; Fuels

Publication year: 2013

Journal or book title: Food Policy

Volume: 40

Pages: 54-63

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Serial number: 3185

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