Effect of high concentrations of carbon dioxide on growth rate of Pseudomonas fragi, Bacillus cereus and Streptococcus cremoris

Author: Enfors, S.O.; Molin, G.

Description: The maximum specific growth rates of Pseudomonas fragi, Bacillus cereus and Streptococcus cremoris were studied over a wide range of carbon dioxide concentrations. The growth rate compared with a control was reduced to 50% in Ps. fragi at 0–5 atm CO2, in B. cereus at 1—3 atm and in Strep, cremoris at 8–6 atm. B. cereus and Strep, cremoris were completely inhibited at 3 and 11 atm CO2, respectively. The growth rate of the aerobic Ps. fragi at 0–99 atm CO2 (0–01 atm oxygen) was reduced to about 20% of that in air. The growth rate of Ps. fragi was decreased at oxygen concentrations lower than 0–01 atm.

When Ps. fragi was grown at oxygen limitation (0.0025 atm oxygen) and exposed to 0.99 atm CO2, the inhibiting effect of the CO2 was added to that of the oxygen limitation. No indications of a synergistic effect between CO2 inhibition and oxygen limitation were noted.

B. cereus and Strep, cremoris were tested under anaerobic conditions.

Subject headings: Bacillus cereus/growth & development; Carbon Dioxide/pharmacology; Kinetics; Oxygen/pharmacology; Pseudomonas/growth & development; Streptococcus/growth & development

Publication year: 1980

Journal or book title: The Journal of Applied Bacteriology

Volume: 48

Issue: 3

Pages: 409-416

Find the full text : http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2672.1980.tb01029.x/abstract

Find more like this one (cited by): https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cites=15804694090106856996&as_sdt=1000005&sciodt=0,16&hl=en

Type: Journal Article

Serial number: 327