Author: Tadros, T.F.; Lyklema, J.
Description: The specific surface charge density on a silica sample of known surface area was measured in the presence of LiCl, NaCl, KCl, CsCl and (C2H5)4NCl. A counter-ion charge-surface charge balance was set up and analytically checked. Above pH∼7, the surface charge is much higher than on silver iodide or mercury. At a fixed ionic strength it increases in the order, (C2H5)4N+<Li+<Na+<K+<Cs+. Notwithstanding the high surface charge, the diffuse double-layer potential, δ, is not particularly high. An explanation of these facts has been given on the basis of the presence of negative groups and cation penetration inside the pores of the gel layer, the extent of which depends to a large extent on the cation volume as compared to pore size.
Subject headings: Surface charge density; Ionic strength; Pore size
Publication year: 1968
Journal or book title: Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry
Volume: 17
Issue: 3-4
Pages: 267-275
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Type: Journal Article
Serial number: 571