Author: Ho, V.T.; Weingart, L.R.; Rousseau, D.M.
Description: This paper examined the effects of personality traits on individuals’ reactions to broken promises. We studied the effects of Neuroticism and Agreeableness on emotive and cognitive responses to breach and investigated whether these effects varied across different types (economic vs. social) and severity (high vs. low) of breach. We collected data from a scenario-based experiment with 119 undergraduate participants. Neuroticism was found to influence emotive and cognitive responses, whereas Agreeableness influenced emotive responses. Agreeableness also interacted with the type and severity of breach to differentially predict individuals’ responses to breach.
Subject headings: Promises; Psychological contracts; Breach; Personality
Publication year: 2004
Journal or book title: Journal of Vocational Behavior
Volume: 65
Issue: 2
Pages: 276-293
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Type: Journal Article
Serial number: 737