Soil Compaction and Moisture Stress Preconditioning in Kentucky Bluegrass. II. Stomatal Resistance, Leaf Water Potential, and Canopy Temperature

Author: Agnew, M.L.; Carrow, R.N.

Description: In this greenhouse study, we investigated the effects of soil compaction and moisture stress preconditioning on stomatal diffusive resistance (Rs), leaf water potential (Y1), and canopy minus air temperatures of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L. ‘Ram I’). The compaction treatments were: (i) NC = no compaction, (ii) LT = long-term compaction over a 99-day period, and (iii) ST = short-term compaction for 9 days. The compactive treatment was equivalent to 720 J energy. Irrigation regimes were initiated at the same time as LT compaction and were: (i) well-watered = irrigation at -0.045 MPa and (ii) water-stressed = irrigation at -0.400 MPa. Ninety-nine days after initiation of preconditioning treatments, a dry-down cycle was started by watering each treatment to saturation. At this time, we monitored on a daily basis. Under low soil O2, Rs remained low for 2 days and then increased over a 5-day period for all treatments, even though Y1 did not change until the fifth day after irrigation (DAI). By DAI 9, Rs declined but then increased between DAI 10 to 13 as soil water potential (Ys) and Y1 decreased. As soil water deficits increased, plants preconditioned to LT compaction or water-stressed exhibited lower Y1 (0.2 to 0.4 MPa), higher Rs, and higher canopy minus air temperatures (1 to 2°C) compared with uncompacted or well-watered plants. Regardless of the cause for higher Rs (i.e., low soil O2, LT compaction or water-stress preconditioning), the result would be lower photosynthesis and greater high-temperature stress.

Subject headings: Soil compaction; Moisture stress; Kentucky bluegrass

Publication year: 1985

Journal or book title: Agronomy Journal

Volume: 77

Issue: 6

Pages: 878

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Type: Journal Article

Serial number: 839