Author: Madgwick, H.A.I.; Ovington, J.D.
Description: The chemical composition of the precipitation in three open plots and under thirteen different forest canopies is compared for a 2-year period at an experimental forest in south-east England.
The average contents of sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium in the precipitation in the open are 19, 3, 11, and less than 4 Kg./Ha./annum respectively, compared with 33, 24, 24, and 10 under the forest canopies. Only very small quantities of phosphorus were present in the precipitation.
The data are discussed with particular reference to the nutrient cycles of forest stands, the removal of nutrients by logging, and the maintenance of soil fertility.
Subject headings: Forest canopy; England
Publication year: 1959
Journal or book title: Forestry
Volume: 32
Issue: 1
Pages: 14-22
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Type: Journal Article
Serial number: 1866