Grassland Climax, Fire, and Man

Author: Sauer, C.O.

Description: ECOLOGY has instructed us that plant societies may strike such happy balance with their environment and between their members as to form a stable, in-definitely reproducing order, called a climax vegetation. The concept may have merit at an introductory level of study, when it is good to make the simplest designs of species association. Such simplification of vegetation type and geographic area may be misleading, however,
like other regional classifications in which habitat and habit are unified. It becomes
seriously misleading if a static view of relation of organisms to environment is substituted for attention to continuing, developing changes in environment, in competition and accommodation between organisms, and in continuity and pace of organic evolution. Both in organic evolution and earth history change is pretty much continuous, and its tempo, direction and divergences are the real object of inquiry.

Subject headings: Grasses, Climate models, Plants, Vegetation, Climate change, Paleoclimatology, Weather, Mountain glaciers, Global climate models, Plant ecology

Publication year: 1950

Journal or book title: Journal of Range Management

Volume: 3

Issue: 1

Pages: 16

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Type: Journal Article

Serial number: 1868