From placement to prison: The path to adolescent incarceration from child welfare supervised foster or group care

Author: Jonson-Reid, M.; Barth, R.P.

Description: Previous studies have found a substantial proportion of youth who exit foster or group care experience negative outcomes such as poor mental health or incarceration. Yet, little is known about the increase or decrease in the likelihood of negative outcomes like serious youthful offending according to different pathways in and out of foster care. The present study adds significantly to the scant literature on the outcomes of children served in the foster care system by conducting a prospective examination of adolescent incarceration for serious felony and violent offenses as a post-discharge outcome for children in out-of-home placement. Results indicate that children first placed between the ages of 12 and 15, children with multiple placements and multiple spells in care, and children who have placement experiences supervised by probation following their child welfare involvement had a higher risk of incarceration for a serious or violent offense during adolescence. The risk for different ethnic groups changed according to the type of foster care experience, as well as the gender of the child. Recommendations for future research and service delivery are made.

Subject headings: Youth; Foster care; Group care; Mental health; Incarceration; Prison

Publication year: 2000

Journal or book title: Children and Youth Services Review

Volume: 22

Issue: 7

Pages: 493-516

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Type: Journal Article

Serial number: 3024