Elucidation of cross relaxation in liquids by two-dimensional N.M.R. spectroscopy

Author: Macura, S.; Ernst, R.R.

Description: Two-dimensional N.M.R. spectroscopy is applied to the elucidation of cross relaxation pathways in liquids. The theory underlying two dimensional studies of cross relaxation and of transient nuclear Overhauser effects is developed. The influence of the correlation time of the molecular random process is investigated. It is found that in the limit of short correlation times (extreme narrowing limit) weak negative cross-peaks are observed. However, for long correlation times (spin diffusion limit) strong positive cross-peaks can be obtained. The technique appears particularly promising for the study of cross relaxation in macromolecules. Examples of intra- and intermolecular cross relaxation in the extreme narrowing limit are presented.

Subject Headings: Cross relaxation; Liquids; Spectroscopy

Keywords: Elucidation of cross relaxation in liquids by two-dimensional N.M.R. spectroscopy

Publication year: 1980

Journal or book title: Molecular Physics

Volume: 41

Issue: 1

Pages: 95-117

Find the full text : https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00268978000102601

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Type: Journal Article

Serial number: 2487