‘Something More’: The Unique Features of Dance Movement Therapy/Psychotherapy

Author: Lauffenburger, S. K.

Description: Koch (The Arts in Psychotherapy 54:85–91, 2017) identified five clusters of factors contributing to the effectiveness of creative arts therapies and which distinguish them from medical treatment. Dance movement therapy/psychotherapy contains these factors, yet something more sets it apart. Dance movement therapy/psychotherapy is unique because dynamic, expressive interrelatedness is combined with relevant theories drawn not only from psychology and psychoanalysis but from specialized movement frameworks. This article identifies ten features found only in dance movement therapy/psychotherapy. The author suggests dance movement therapists/psychotherapists will more ethically promote our profession’s uniqueness by enhanced understanding of these features. Additionally, as public awareness of these features increases, dance movement therapy/psychotherapy will have a stronger and more essential place in the therapeutic landscape.

Subject headings: Dance movement therapy; Psychotherapy; Creative arts; Mental health; Mental illness

Publication year: 2020

Journal or book title: American Journal of Dance Therapy

Volume: 42

Pages: 16-32

Find the full text: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10465-020-09321-y

Find more like this one (cited by): https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cites=12633242914658722170&as_sdt=5,26&sciodt=0,26&hl=en

Type: Journal article

Serial number: 3050

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