Neighborhood and sense of community

Author: Glynn, Thomas J. Description: In the context of a larger study focused on the development of an instrument to measure sense of community, respondents were asked to identify components (e.g., family, friends, church, neighborhood) that they believe comprise their community. Initial data analysis suggested a potentially important division between respondents who did and did not include “neighborhood” in their definition of their community. These two groups then were compared on the major variables of the larger study: Actual sense of community, ideal sense of community, community satisfaction, and community…

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Sense of community: A definition and theory

Author: McMillan, David W.; Chavis, David M. Description: For several years many of us at Peabody College have participated in the evolution of a theory of community, the first conceptualization of which was presented in a working paper (McMillan, 1976) of the Center for Community Studies. To support the proposed definition, McMillan focused on the literature on group cohesiveness, and we build here on that original definition. This article attempts to describe the dynamics of the sense-of-community force–to identify the various elements in the force and to describe the process…

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