Author: Walsh, P.T.; Downie, J.R.; Monaghan, P.
Description: Investigations of the effect of temperature on body size are largely limited to the larval phase, with our understanding of the effect of temperature during metamorphic climax entirely restricted to the insects.
Environmental temperature was manipulated only during metamorphosis in the aquatic amphibian Xenopus laevis.
Lower temperatures during metamorphosis resulted in individuals with greater mass, head width and snout-vent length on the completion of metamorphosis. This suggests that temperatures experienced during the relatively short metamorphic phase will play an important part in determining the temperature-size relationship in amphibians.
Subject headings: African clawed toad; Amphibian; Body size; Metamorphic climax; Morphological variation; Temperature-size rule; Xenopus laevis
Publication year: 2008
Journal or book title: Journal of Thermal Biology
Volume: 33
Issue: 4
Pages: 244-249
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Type: Journal Article
Serial number: 1463